What clients say about our work
Our client list includes many Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies who have relied on us for innovative technology solutions. No matter your size, we are ready to help you.
Here's what our clients are saying:
Thanks for being accessible, responsive, positive, and patient. We are all very excited about the new application! Everyone is finding it user-friendly and efficient. We keep making exciting new discoveries.
- Beth Loo, President Betmar Languages
Our FileMaker system has been a key component to our success at Wilderness Inquiry. For many years it has enabled us to consistently do more work with less staff. We work with LuminFire on our technology because they are the best at what they do.
- Greg Lais, Executive Director, Wilderness Inquiry
They are so thorough, so completely genuine about what they deliver. What they say they're going to offer is what they deliver. That is a testament, because they have customers that they've had for many, many years. That's not by accident.
- Julie Sigfrinius, FileMaker Global Partner Manager
Working with LuminFire has been a great experience from start to finish. They are brilliant engineers that have innovative ideas that impact our business in a positive way. The enhancements with the software that fmIgnite provides will allow Peregrine to move to the next business level and beyond. It allows us to separate ourselves from our competitors in a meaningful way. Each year at Peregrine we make thousands of promises and commitments to our clients. fmIgnite allows us to be the company our clients want to receive pest control services from.”
- Nicholas Holland, Owner Peregrine Pest Control
Working with Luminfire has been great. Your developers quickly sought clarification where necessary, came up with novel solutions to some of the challenges we faced, and designed a very functional, well-designed product for us. We could iterate in real time rather than having to make lots of changes at the end. This process resulted in a product that was nearly perfect at launch. The data migration from our old system also went off without a hitch, so we were very pleased with that. We look forward to continuing to work together on any upgrades to the database that might be required in the future.
- Steve Friedenberg, U of MN College of Veterinary Medicine
Thank you all so very much for your work in producing and supporting the MDE Back to Better Conference. I really value your work and the trust that I have in you and your expertise is such an advantage to me and our team. You guys did such a wonderful job. I have been working with nervous conference presenters for a really long time, and when you add the layer of doing the presentation virtually, well let’s just say that the anxiety level is high. When the presenters know they have someone there to lean on, their stress goes way, way down and they can be nervous about just their contact and not whether they know how to make the technology work. You guys rock. Thanks for your help — your really, really, really fast help! I am NOW feeling confident we can deliver this conference without going online to buy a magic wand. You guys are my magic wand. Thanks so much!
-Mia Urick, Director of Professional Learning
You can also check out the numerous personal recommendations for Tim Cimbura (CEO) and Nick Ciske (CTO) on LinkedIn.
Some of our Happy Clients

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