BrilliantHub includes a field to store a corporate logo for a company and a picture portrait of a person contact. Many times you can populate these fields by dragging an image directly from Facebook or a web site right on top of the field. In other cases, the web site may not allow this and you can make a screen shot to capture the same information. If you can see it on the screen, you can copy it. So… How do I create a screenshot or capture an area of the screen to place into fmIgnite? There are applications you can purchase to assist with this but both Mac OS and Windows have built-in commands that get the job done.

To capture your screen or part of it on a Mac, use one of the following commands:

* Entire screen to a file: Press Apple (Command)+Shift+3. Captures a picture of the entire desktop, which is saved on the desktop as a file called ‘Screen shot DATE TIME.png’.

* Partial screen to a file: Press Apple (Command)+Shift+4. When your mouse pointer turns into a cross hair (“+”), hold down the mouse button and drag to select the part of the screen you want. When you release the button, the screenshot will capture the selected part of the screen.  Press Esc to cancel.

* Partial screen to the clipboard: Press Apple (Command)-Control-Shift-4. Similar to the option above but puts the image on the clipboard instead of a file. Then you can paste directly into another application.

* Active window to a file: Press Apple (Command) Key +Shift+4. Move the cursor over the window and press the Space bar. Then click the mouse.

You can also try Snapz software.

To capture your screen or part of it on Windows, use one of the following commands:

* Entire screen to the clipboard: Press the Print Screen (PrtScr) key on the keyboard.

* Active window to the clipboard: Make sure that the portion of the screen that you want to capture is on top of any other windows. Hold down the ALT key and press Print Screen (PrtScr) on the keyboard.

Open a graphics editing program like Microsoft Paint. Create a new blank image and paste the screenshot into the new image. At this point you can select a portion of the image to copy and paste into fmIgnite.

More details for Windows users can be found here.

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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with Claris FileMaker, Laravel, and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.