When you decide to invest in your business by building custom application software there are many benefits. You will get technology that does exactly what you want it to, which will maximize your productivity, effectiveness, and profitability, as well as provide your business a unique competitive advantage. The majority of our projects have a fast ROI (return on investment), meaning the projects pay for themselves in operational cost savings in a relatively short time period.

Often, shortly after meeting a new client they will ask: “How much will it cost?” There is a Dilbert cartoon where a office worker comes to him and says “I need a budget estimate for my project but I don’t have a scope or a design for it yet.” Dilbert says “Okay, my estimate is $3,585,729.” The manager objects “But you don’t know anything about my project.” Dilbert replies “That makes two of us.”

Purchasing custom software development is very different from purchasing hardware or a widget off Amazon, for example. Because building custom software is a personalized endeavor, you are able to make adjustments to your initial ideas as better ideas or new business processes present themselves.

After an initial complimentary call with our sales team, you will receive a proposal with estimates and options for your project based upon what we’ve learned so far. Once you’ve accepted the proposal, we move into a paid discovery phase where our developers and Product Owner meet with you to write the story of what will be built, along with more refined estimates. This point in the project is considered an “intelligent decision point,” a time to make choices to determine what your build will look like based upon your budget and goals.

Throughout the build, we utilize an Agile-like iterative development process. We estimate new ideas and refinements along the way so you can stay in control of your budget and build by deciding which features you want to invest in, and which ones can be abandoned or saved for later.budget_features_schedule

There are three factors in a successful project: (1) timeline, (2) scope/feature set, and (3) budget. As the client, you need to choose the driving factor for your project and allow the other two factors to be flexible.

The majority of clients are more flexible with the their timeline and features…but their budget drives what can be accomplished. That is why one of the first questions we ask prospective clients is concerning their budget.

There are different responses to this question. It makes some people very nervous. They are afraid that if they disclose their budget information then we’ll just tell them that’s what the project will cost. And that’s partially true.

We can talk about your must-haves and determine what fits into your budgeted amount. Then we can talk about the nice-to-haves and see which ones fit. Knowing your budget helps us to guide you toward a solution that is appropriate for you and to ignore solutions that are beyond your price range. So if you know what your budget is, don’t be afraid to share it with us. We’re on your side, and understanding this important parameter will help us to focus in on the right solutions that will fit your needs.

We do understand that some people aren’t able to share their budgets right away. Company policy may prevent you from telling us, or you may need to learn the estimated cost of the project first so that you can request the funding for it. Please don’t see this as a roadblock. We’re happy to work with you in whatever way your business requires.

When we work with you we want to have the most productive discussions we can, conversations that will lead us to a solution that will meet your needs as quickly as possible. Trusting us with your budget information is good for both of us. Our goal is to deliver quality technology with the features you require in the time frame you desire while being as cost-conscious as possible. When we do that, everyone wins.

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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with the Claris platform including FileMaker and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.