Who says you don’t get anything for FREE anymore? That’s not true with Apple and the Macintosh.

Apple’s macOS is FREE and included on the Mac. It includes many FREE applications like iTunes, iBooks, Maps, Safari, Calendar, Mail, Photo, iMovie, and GarageBand.


iwork suite iconsThe iWork office productivity suite includes Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. These apps also can open and save Microsoft Office documents. Their other strong feature is the syncing with iCloud and strong companion versions on the iPad.

The naysayers will say this isn’t really free…that you pay more for a Mac so that you get this. Yes…it is true that you do pay more up front for a Mac but the total cost of ownership over the life of the computer is arguably lower. Also…it’s about VALUE not initial cost. On the Mac not only do you get a ton of quality software with your purchase, but you also get FREE Genius bar tech support from any Apple Store worldwide.

You must compare Apples to Apples. Do you get all this quality integrated software when you purchase a Windows computer? No. What about when you want to upgrade your Windows version? Is that free? No. What about support? What about a full 1 year warranty? One of the first purchases a Windows user needs to make is anti-virus software. That’s also FREE on the Mac…because you don’t need it. Windows gets costly pretty quick.

Apple includes this software for a few reasons:

  1. It provides competition to Google Apps and Microsoft Office. Apple’s collaborative productivity suite is available to nearly anyone at no cost.
  2.  Providing all users access the the core macOS opens the door for future innovation quickly. There is no need to devote resources to supporting old OS versions.
  3. It adds value to the platform.

Just wait. There is much more to come.

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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with Claris FileMaker, Laravel, and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.