Our LuminFire session of DevCon 2017 was very well received. We had a full room and lots of great questions afterwards. We’ve had several requests to make it available so here we’re attaching the description and a video recording.

Brilliant FileMaker Integration Solutions

In this session LuminFire will share several brilliant solutions that show the power of FileMaker in concert with other software like WordPress for web sites, QuickBooks for accounting, Slack for messaging, MailChimp for email, WooCommerce for ecommerce, Amazon Web Services for document storage, Basecamp for project communication, Stripe for credit card payments, etc.

We’ll discuss and demo the following FileMaker solutions:

  • Custom BrilliantHub implementation case studies in different industries including creative services, manufacturing, and an art gallery.
  • BrilliantSync integration for an ecommerce web site and form submission…making it easy for WordPress and FileMaker to talk to each other in a reliable and approachable way.
  • State of the art FileMaker GIS mapping and visualization.
  • Health care/medical industry case studies with an overview of HIPAA security implementation with FileMaker.
  • State Fair live competition judging via iPads with FileMaker Go and display on colosseum Jumbotron screens.

…and see FileMaker perform a some amazing magic.

Be inspired by many uses of FileMaker and learn how to maximize its potential to make your business more effective, productive, and profitable.

LuminFire Presentation at FileMaker DevCon 2017

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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with Claris FileMaker, Laravel, and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.