Getting permits for any business endeavor can be a huge pain. Permit Place™ understands the frustrations and makes this process effortless for their customers. Permit Place has a FileMaker database that allows them to keep track of clients, projects, and permits, and to update and monitor the many statuses involved in the permit acquisition process.

Permit Place™ came to LuminFire with a vision to provide their customers with a convenient, web-based dashboard where they could see the statuses of their projects and permits. At the time, this information was only visible to internal Permit Place staff using FileMaker. They wanted client-service offering that would differentiate themselves in the market and also be fast and mobile ready.

LuminFire used BrilliantSync to power the solution by translating and syncing data from FileMaker to a new custom WordPress responsive web portal that acts like a custom app on a mobile device. The site has a fluid and modern feel that is easy to navigate. Building the site with WordPress provided a foundation that saved both time and money.

On the FileMaker side, the solution takes advantage of FileMaker’s ability to access external SQL data sources via (ESS). Implementation consisted of matching FileMaker fields to the fields that are needed in the web view, and then building a script that syncs the appropriate FileMaker data.

“I’m very impressed with your team and how you manage projects and communicate. I’ve been looking for something that would connect FileMaker, WordPress, QuickBooks, and Salesforce. I can see BrilliantSync is the right solution for us. I chose LuminFire specifically for your expertise with APIs, GIS, FileMaker and WordPress integration. You’re uniquely positioned to see the greater vision.

This is so exciting. Did you know that I’ve been trying to get a portal like this done for over 10 years? I am overwhelmed with thankfulness. We are thrilled with the results and the possibilities for the future. Thank you!” – Michael Robinson, President

If your business has a FileMaker app or web site that needs to be taken to the next level, we can help make that happen. We build elegant and affordable custom solutions that make your business more effective, productive, and profitable. Contact us to discuss options for your situation.

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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with the Claris platform including FileMaker, Laravel, and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.