It’s frustrating when your technology isn’t working right, and figuring out what the problem is can certainly be a daunting challenge.

Our expert engineers have gathered some basic tips to help you solve your web and FileMaker app issues on your own – without having to call in tech support.


1. Have you tried turning it off and on again?

It seems simplistic but it’s true: a reboot of your computer can fix a lot of issues. If an app is acting up, quit the app and reboot your computer, then open the app again.

2. Have you tried a different computer?

Sometimes the issue is localized to just your computer and not affecting anyone else in your office. Asking a co-worker to verify if they see the issue as well helps identify if the issue is just happening on your machine or if it’s a broader issue that affects multiple work stations.

3. What’s changed recently?

Did you perhaps recently update your system software (operating system/OS)? Or did you update the version of your application? Are there plugins or other components that depended on the previous version? Have you installed anything new on your computer lately?

It’s always a good idea to verify that all the applications you use on a regular basis (including Claris FileMaker) are fully compatible with a new operating system BEFORE upgrading. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a bind where you can’t go back, and the applications you require don’t work.

Just because there is a new update available, doesn’t mean that you should install it right away. We always recommend patience – don’t be too quick to try out the newest version. Wait a while to be sure the bugs are worked out by someone else. If you’re unsure, check with us and we can help you build a technology plan to keep your software and hardware up-to-date while minimizing the risk of downtime.


1. Is it down for everyone, or just you?

If you’re browsing this website and reading this article, your internet connection is likely working. Sometimes internet outages are localized to a single internet provider or just a specific region of the country. Your customers may even be happily browsing your website while it appears down to you. We recommend using another device such as your cell phone to check the DownForEveryoneOrJustMe tool. It will quickly check if an outage is localized or internet-wide.

2. Have you tried a different browser?

Narrowing down an issue to a specific browser (or all browsers) helps us troubleshoot whether the problem is browser-specific or if it’s a universal issue. Not sure which browser you’re using? The information from WhichBrowser will give you the details.

3. Have you tried clearing your browser cache?

Often, your browser caches old files, making it appear like no updates have been made to your site. This happens to you as the owner of a website far more than your visitors. RefreshYourCache will walk you through clearing the cache on most popular browsers.

Still Stumped?

If you’re not able to get things working using these tips, contact us for assistance. Be sure to include any of the steps you’ve taken and all the information you’ve gathered. We’ll get you up and running as quickly as we can.