Updated 9-14-18. Every day news, ideas, tips, and training are released for FileMaker.

We’ve been “scooping” news on a link sharing service since 2012. Scoop.it “FileMaker News” has seen nearly 100,000 views and contained links to over 1,300 articles. This curated news source attained Gold Level on Scoop.it for being the best curation on the topic of FileMaker!

In 2018, changes to the Scoop.it business model made keeping the archive on that service less attractive. Now that it is limited to only 50 articles, we decided to move all the content we generated to a new site called Brilliant Scoops.

You’ll find that all the links are very high-quality articles from credible sources. It’s an excellent mix of technical articles and information for developers and business people that want to take advantage of the new features of FileMaker and learn about it quickly from the best online resources.

The LuminFire agency has grown over time to include many other technologies that are complementary to FileMaker. So we are also expanding the news to include technology links about the following topics:

Previously these other topics were only shared internally on our LuminFire Slack channels. We’ll be sharing these with the world over the next few weeks. We also invite you to submit relevant scoops to add to the library.


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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with Claris FileMaker, Laravel, and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.