FileMaker Price Tag

FileMaker will be increasing renewal licensing fees on on June 28, 2014. Our best estimate is that rates may be up to 15% higher. In addition, After September 26, 2014 FileMaker will no longer offer discounted upgrade pricing for customers without an active maintenance contract. This means you’ll pay full price as if you purchased the software new after that date even if you owned FileMaker in the past. (Note: Site licensing prices will not be increasing.)

This change was somewhat inevitable given the incredible value of FileMaker and the fact that renewal rates have remained unchanged for several years.

There are many advantages to annual licensing or staying on the FileMaker annual maintenance plan. In general, you save money while always getting the latest version of FileMaker as soon as it is released. We discussed licensing in this post last year.

Our recommendations and action plan for today:

  1. Renew or purchase new licenses before June 27, 2014 to lock in at the old rates.
  2. Renew for two years at a time to lock in at the old rates for even longer.

As a FileMaker Business Alliance member,, Inc. is an authorized reseller for all FileMaker licensing. Connect with us for a quote on your new FileMaker product at the best rates possible.Best Price

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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with Claris FileMaker, Laravel, and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.