Question: I already have a WordPress website but I’d like to have my own mobile app available so that people can place orders with my online store. Is there a cheaper alternative to building a fully custom app for both iOS and Android?
Answer: If your WordPress website is built so that it is responsive it should be available to both iOS and Android devices.
What Technology Tool do I use When? 4If you want the native app that would be available in the Apple app store or Android marketplace, have a look at AppPresser and their Reactor product. Both integrate with WooCommerce. It allows you to create a native app from your WordPress website.
You could check out Ionic and Appcellerator as well. There are dozens of hybrid app frameworks to choose from.  As for ecommerce, depends on if they want just online orders, or payments as well… And if you want point of sale (POS) integration or not. It can certainly be done for less than from scratch, but it’s far from a simple task.
Contact us for the best solution for your particular situation.
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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with Claris FileMaker, Laravel, and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.

Nick Ciske

Nick Ciske – CTO / CISO

Nick has a degree in Multimedia Design and over 25 years of experience working in web development and digital media. Nick specializes in architecting amazing and brilliant application solutions.
