WordPress will be 15 years old on May 27th, 2018! 1WordPress will be 15 years old on May 27th, 2018!It’s been 15 years since Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little forked WordPress from b2 and what a ride it’s been! From humble beginnings focused on democratizing publishing, WordPress now powers 30% of the web and 21% of e-commerce sites!

We’re big fans of WordPress here at LuminFire. I’ve been using WordPress personally and professionally for over a decade since version 1.5! I helped organize the WordPress 10th Anniversary celebration as well, which was a blast (if a bit rainy).

At LuminFire we host the Minneapolis / St. Paul WordPress User Group in our space, as well as sponsor and speak at WordCamp Minneapolis / St. Paul.

We’ll be hosting a WordPress 15th Anniversary Celebration on May 27th, 2018 at the LuminFire headquarters. Our friends at Pantheon Minneapolis are organizing the event. If you’re in the Twin Cities metro area and in town Memorial Day weekend, RSVP here and join us. We’ll have plenty of food, cake, and many fun activities including foosball, ping pong, a putting green, jumbo Jenga, cornhole, and Wii / Apple TV games.

If you’re not in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota area, you can find a celebration near you on the #wp15 website.

Nick Ciske

Nick Ciske – CTO / CISO

Nick has a degree in Multimedia Design and over 25 years of experience working in web development and digital media. Nick specializes in architecting amazing and brilliant application solutions.