Claris Engage 2024 is a live in-person event taking place February 6-8, 2024 at the Apple Campus in Austin, Texas. Attendees can choose from four courses for optional add-on training and explore over 50 sessions presented by Claris and partners. The event includes snacks and lunch onsite as well as a keynote after-party and reception. Tickets to the event are $1,300 USD and recordings of the sessions can be purchased separately for $99 USD. Training courses can be purchased as an add-on option for $549 USD each. See the official info here.

claris engage logoThe theme for Claris Engage 2024 is “Build the Future”. We’re looking forward to the new tools and technologies that will support future low/pro code custom apps. There is a limit to how many can attend due to the venue so if you’re thinking about attending don’t delay to register.

For more than 25 years, engineers, developers, and users of Claris FileMaker met at an event formerly called “FileMaker DevCon” to share innovative ideas. For the last 3 years an in-person event was not possible and so the excitement is high for this year.

For the last 18 years, LuminFire has attended the FileMaker conference. We found that both the content and the experience have provided value to our clients and our team:

  • Seeing the HISTORY of Claris products shows Claris’ consistent dedication to improving FileMaker, Claris Connect, and Claris Studio – dedication that is essential to not only sustaining but also to growing a solid technology platform.
  • Seeing the PRESENT world of Claris products and affiliates enables us to utilize the most innovative solutions and technologies to make our client’s businesses more effective, productive, and profitable.
  • Seeing the FUTURE of Claris products gets us excited for the platform, and helps us to create development strategies to make the best use of our client’s resources.

This Engage 2024 event is different from previous conferences in that it is not held at a resort location. Attendees have their choice of several local hotels and day activities provide a unique opportunity to visit an Apple facility that is normally only open to Apple employees. This is made possible is because Claris is a wholly owned subsidiary of Apple. Security will surely be tighter than in the past and limited only to badged attendees.

2019 devcon luminfire conversation

For LuminFire, this Claris Engage conference is all about relationships. Our focus will not be on advertising or introducing new products. We want to maximize the time we have available to connect with others and enjoy the community together. At Engage 2024, several LuminFire representatives including our CEO and CTO will be in attendance. We hope to meet many new friends as well as those people we have known for many years. We will be fully available to talk and laugh about today, reminisce about the past, and imagine future possibilities.

If you plan to attend Claris Engage we would love to meet you. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the Claris platform and custom software solutions. We will give you honest and helpful answers. Look for us in our blue LuminFire shirts and please say “hello”. Check out our conference tips if you’re going.

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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with Claris FileMaker, Laravel, and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.