Congratulations to George Lee, a long-time friend to LuminFire’s CEO Tim Cimbura, for earning the Melrose Award recognizing leadership and service. George’s impact on Tim’s life has been significant over the last 25 years, providing inspiration and guidance as LuminFire has grown.
George’s company Repowered (formerly Tech Dump) is an impact-driven nonprofit that securely collects technology from businesses and individuals for recycling or refurbishing, keeping e-waste out of landfills. Repowered offers affordable tech items to the public and provides jobs and training to Work Readiness employees who are overcoming barriers to employment. LuminFire has had the opportunity to use Repowered to recycle our electronics many times.
Each year, Repowered provides thousands of employment hours – nearly a million dollars in wages and practical experience – to adults facing barriers. Most have had past experience in the justice system or are in recovery from addiction.
Since Repowered opened its doors in 2011, their team has processed nearly 40 million pounds of e-waste. They adhere to the highest standards of data security while also prioritizing their environmental and social mission. They address several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including poverty, vocational skills, material footprint, sustainable industry, discrimination, urban waste management, hazardous waste, and climate change.