Question: Every so often, a window appears announcing that OpenBase is updating my files. Is this a good thing? Should I find and delete OpenBase? OpenBase is an industrial strength SQL-based … Read more about What is OpenBase and do I need it?
Question: I'm using Windows and I have a hard drive I got from a Mac OS user but I can't access any of the files? Is there a way I can see this? Answer: The Mac has no problems reading PC/Windows … Read more about Reading Mac Hard Drives From Windows
On October 6, 2011 Heidi Collins of FOX 9 News KMSP in the Twin Cities Minneapolis, St. Paul MN interviewed Chief Technology Officer and Apple expert Tim Cimbura regarding the legacy left by Steve … Read more about The Legacy of Steve Jobs
For those of you that travel extensively...and overseas...the new iPhone 4S is definitely worth looking at. It includes CDMA and GSM chips in it so it can talk on nearly any mobile phone tech … Read more about The New iPhone 4S
We recently received the following question: "Can I export my entourage contacts, calendar, and notes into Bento?" Answer: Entourage is the old contact and calendar application that shipped with … Read more about Converting Entourage Contacts to Bento or FileMaker
Once you have entered information into the Mac OS X Address Book, there is not a straightforward and easy way to get it out. There are two built-in Export options: "Export as vCard" or "Address Book … Read more about Exporting Contact Information From Mac OS X Address Book or FileMaker Bento
Our home wiring panel was getting overrun with equipment with no place to put them and limited space to actually mount a shelf. First, there were 2 boxes from Comcast for our phone system and internet … Read more about Build a Utility Shelf for Your Mac Mini, Time Capsule, or Airport Extreme Base Station, etc.
Today Steve Jobs announced that he will step down as CEO of Apple and most likely accept a more limited role as chairman of the board. My entire career has paralleled the innovations that came … Read more about Steve Jobs Steps Down as CEO of Apple
For at least seven decades, the Minnesota State Fair ran hundreds of thousands of competitions using the basic tools of paper and pens to judge perhaps a million animals including horses, cattle, … Read more about LuminFire Powers The Minnesota State Fair Competition Technology
When I travel I go carry on only. I have one plane sized carry on bag for clothing. I have a backpack for the computer, etc. that qualifies as my "purse" or "handbag" for carry on even though it is … Read more about Laptop Travel Tips
Lion, the next version of the Mac OS, is due in a few weeks. One of the changes that will affect some Mac users is the inability of Lion to run older PowerPC-based software. Compatibility software … Read more about FileMaker and Mac OS X Lion
Windows has had malware, virus, and trojan threats for years. With the gain in popularity of the Mac, they have started showing up on Mac OS X. One such beast is masquerading as "Apple Web … Read more about Mac OS X Anti-Malware and Anti Virus