We’re looking forward to being at the FileMaker DevCon 2016DevCon 2016 Logo Big in just a few days…and will be presenting a couple of sessions at the unconference:

Integrating FileMaker with WordPress/WooCommerce, Drupal, and Web Services – Presenting FileMaker data to the World

We’ll show how to leverage WordPress to exchange data simply with your FileMaker database. From simple online forms to complex ecommerce systems, you’ll learn how FileMaker and WordPress can work together to create a more powerful technology solution.

Tuesday July 19 at 3:45 pm
Room: Nolita 3, fourth floor Cosmopolitan Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
Tim Cimbura (CEO and Senior Solution Engineer at LuminFire) and Nick Ciske (VP Web Engineering LuminFire)

GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and FileMaker – Mapping and More

Make your FileMaker data come to life using interactive maps, spatial queries, and visualizations. Learn how you too can make maps and solve business problems by integrating open source GIS technologies in your FileMaker solutions and websites.

Thursday July 21 at 10:45 am
Room: Nolita 3, fourth floor Cosmopolitan Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
Michael Moore and Andy Walz — both expert GIS, web, and FileMaker engineers from LuminFire.

We’d appreciate any feedback and ideas on the topics. If you have specific questions that you’d like us to cover let me know and we’ll do our best to incorporate.

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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with Claris FileMaker, Laravel, and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.