WordPress Custom Solution for Architectural Space Design Catalog 1

LuminFire was approached by RSP Architects and Little Diversified Architectural Consulting to assist a large health insurer based in Minnesota with a technical problem.

The client had grown rapidly in recent years, adding several new campuses, including a new 10 story state-of-the-art headquarters building. When planning and designing these new spaces the client utilized a cumbersome paper work flow and product catalog for the process of selecting room designs, furniture layouts and materials. The process wasn’t sustainable at their level of growth, and they needed a solution that would maximize their efficiency. Internal attempts were made to create a solution using Sharepoint, but users found it difficult-to-use and expensive to maintain. Sharepoint really wasn’t the right tool for this job.

Using WordPress and Genesis as a foundation framework, LuminFire built a custom web application specifically for the client. The app included custom post types and taxonomies in WordPress to track all the specific information about projects, rooms, lighting, furniture specs, appliances, printers, finishes, restroom accessories, etc. It provided a seamless way to display and categorize all the relevant information on the website.

Much of the information was provided to LuminFire as PDF files which presented a challenge since PDFs can’t natively display in a browser. LuminFire created a custom automated process to convert the existing PDF files to SVG files without any loss of image quality.

The client had a specific look in mind for their navigation bar. LuminFire recognized that while we could build a solution from scratch, using an existing plugin would avoid reinventing the wheel and save the client both time and money on the project. The end result was a fully-responsive, sleek, and intuitive web app with completely customized details to make the user experience just what the client wanted.

This solution was so successful for the client as an effective tool for workplace guidelines that they were asked to create another similar solution for clinical guidelines that manages all similar architectural elements that are present in clinics they build across the country.

LuminFire designed this particular app with security that allowed access to thousands of employees at the client. It could also be used with full public access and scale to support many more users.

No matter the size of your organization, if you’re interested in creating a custom online catalog similar to this solution for internal or external use, we have exactly what you need. We build elegant and affordable custom solutions to many paper and work-flow management problems. We’d be happy to discuss options with you.

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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with Claris FileMaker, Laravel, and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.