We’ve got a bit of the tech geek culture going on with our brilliant engineers at LuminFire. So here it is again. Intergalactic Star Wars Day as in “May the 4th Be With You”! Below you’ll find out a bit about how we’re celebrating as well as how FileMaker and WordPress fit in the Star Wars universe.

This year at LuminFire we’re having a special team celebration over lunch with a Star Wars movie playing, food, fun, and the start of a new project. Soon (maybe after 20-40 hours of team building) our Star Wars huddle room will have a new display. It’s only the most detailed LEGO® Star Wars Millennium Falcon model ever created. With 7,500 pieces, it’s one of the biggest LEGO models, ever.

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FileMaker and Star Wars Day

Did you know that LucasFilm uses FileMaker to keep track of the Star Wars universe with a custom FileMaker app called the Holocron? We’ve updated our Star Wars Day blog for FileMaker. It includes more trivia and a cool sample file that uses JavaScript and the web viewer to display a Star Wars text crawl as well as a star field.

WordPress and Star Wars Day

WordPress Product

Did you know the official StarWars.com blog uses WordPress? There a few plugins made by Star Wars fans, mostly forks of “Hello Dolly” that display star wars quotes in the admin panel. WordPress.com hosts numerous fan sites and blogs including many of the major entertainment news outlets (on the WordPress.com VIP platform).


Attached are some fun photos and a video in the spirit of Star Wars day…

We’re starting out breakfast in the office with Princess Leia Cinnamon buns.

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This would be a simple Star Wars lunch with Mac and chees…but we’re going to go a little more elaborate.

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Last time I was at Disney I got a photo of me on a speeder bike.

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And in front of the Millennium Falcon backdrop to the future Disney Star Wars land Galaxy’s Edge in Florida. It’s our LuminFire company goal to take our team to visit it once it opens.

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Our family took a Disney Star Wars Cruise. One of the precious moments at breakfast happened between my daughters as one stole a melon from the other’s plate.

Our software engineer Shawn Krueger made it on the news for one of the Star Wars premieres!

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And finally…the future look at our future LuminFire galaxy signage.

Celebrating Star Wars Day at LuminFire



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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with the Claris platform including FileMaker, Laravel, and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.