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Electric Fire & Security (EFS) specializes in serving the electrical needs of the multi-housing industry with full-service installations and maintenance for any electrical. EFS is dedicated to the delivery of superior quality, exceptional value, and timely electrical installations.

EFS came to LuminFire with a very simple FileMaker solution they had created on their own. Even though it worked, there were some shortcomings and they knew that they wanted to work with a Claris Platinum Partner to take the solution to the next level.

LuminFire rebuilt the database into a custom iPad app with many enhancements using BrilliantHub Essentials as the foundation. Taking advantage of the 100s of hours invested into LuminFire’s FileMaker starter solution saved EFS a lot of money and made building a fully customized app feasible despite their limited budget.

The solution contains records for all EFS clients in the “Contacts” area, and also records a client’s upcoming scheduled inspections and inspections history. Several of EFS’s clients have multiple locations, and these are easily tracked in this solution.

When inspections are performed in the field, the iPad app automatically displays only the inspections assigned to the current logged-in user. Once the inspection is complete, the touch-friendly interface includes signature fields for sign off, and the client gets a copy emailed to them as a PDF. The form used for the inspection is exactly tailored to EFS’s needs and requirements, and is based on a form that previously was only on paper. The new electronic version saves time and tracks history automatically, ensuring inspections are performed on a timely basis and the data gathered is accurate. EFS also uses a FileMaker solution for time tracking that feeds into their billing department.

The entire solution is hosted in the cloud using LuminFire’s reliable and fast FileMaker hosting in the cloud (in this case bundled with BrilliantHub Essentials SaaS for cost savings, value, and simplicity).

If you’re not able to find an app “off the shelf” that helps you with your specialized custom estimate or inspection process, LuminFire can help you to build exactly the tool you need using FileMaker or other custom solutions. Contact us for a free consultation to talk about your options.

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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with Claris FileMaker, Laravel, and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.