This sample database can be used by FileMaker developers to help create a customized solution. It is provided free of charge.

Use Google’s charting to create a customized map of areas the world. Includes ISO country and state tables. Using the FileMaker web viewer you can build a URL that is sent to Google and returns a chart image.

Take a look at the example formula for the web viewer below and in the example file:

“” & CHARTS::Width & “x” & CHARTS::Height &
“&chtt=” & Substitute(CHARTS::Title; ” “; “+”) &  /* Title */
“&chts=000000,10” & /* Font color and style */
“&cht=t” &
“&chtm=” & CHARTS::ZoomArea_chtm &
“&chld=” & CHARTS::cCountryStateCodes_chld &
“&chd=t:” & CHARTS::cCountryStateValues_chd &
“&chco=” & CHARTS::ColorRange_chco

“” & CHARTS::Width & “x” & CHARTS::Height &”&chtt=” & Substitute(CHARTS::Title; ” “; “+”) &  /* Title */”&chts=000000,10″ & /* Font color and style */”&cht=t” & “&chtm=” & CHARTS::ZoomArea_chtm & “&chld=” & CHARTS::cCountryStateCodes_chld & “&chd=t:” & CHARTS::cCountryStateValues_chd &”&chco=” & CHARTS::ColorRange_chco

Download the fmMapCharter sample file here.

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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with the Claris platform including FileMaker and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.