Updated 7-15-23 for FileMaker 2023…

When you purchase FileMaker you get a blank slate construction tool for rapidly building powerful custom application solutions. There are some built-in template files that are included but they are quite basic and may require work to make them work specific for your work situation. It’s kind of like purchasing a spreadsheet tool like Excel. Excel doesn’t come with the actual spreadsheets that will really make it truly useful and take full advantage of its capabilities. You need to design them yourself for your situation.

Every FileMaker solution is different. Depending on who developed it for you, the skill level of the developer, and what kind of standards or best practices they used to develop the solution. Learning how to use the solution that was built for you by someone (or you built yourself) is very different than learning how to be a developer and create your own solutions.

So, depending on what you want to do with FileMaker will determine your path…

  • Do you want to learn how to better use an existing FileMaker solution that you already have? If so, the training won’t help much.
  • Do you want to develop your own application solution or enhance an existing solution at a developer level? If so, training will give you the background you need to know about FileMaker.

After acquiring basic FileMaker knowledge, we’ve found many people get more value out of individual coaching/learning sessions with us where we take a given task or something you’re trying to do in FileMaker and build a solution together while you learn. We combine best practices with the training to get you started quickly.

We highly recommend that you learn FileMaker beginning with the latest version available. FileMaker 2023 was released May 2023

Here are several other FileMaker training resources and ideas you may find helpful:


For reference, here are some resources on older versions of FileMaker.

FileMaker 19 released May 2020 – FileMaker 19 is Here

FileMaker 18 released May 2019 – FileMaker 18 is Here! – The Full Scoop

FileMaker 17 released May 2018 – FileMaker 17 is Here Info!

FileMaker 16 released May 2017 – FileMaker 16 Training Resources

FileMaker 15 released May 2016:

FileMaker 14 released May 2015:

FileMaker 13 released December 2013:

FileMaker 12 released April 2012:

If you are working with an existing solution in FileMaker version 5-11, you need to learn about the older version and safely upgrade only after making good backups of your existing database and environment. We suggest having a professional assist with an upgrade to the latest version.

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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with the Claris platform including FileMaker and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.