One of the great advantages of FileMaker is the ability to build a custom solution to solve a specific problem for mobile users with iPads and iPhones. The FileMaker platform has the tools required to quickly innovate in the workplace.

The Minnesota State Fair is the largest state fair in the U.S. in a 12 day period, with over 2.1 million people in attendance. The Minnesota State Fair uses FileMaker in many situations, including tracking more than 5000+ competitions in hundreds of categories.

Tracking transportation vehicles like golf carts and vans at the Fair was a challenge. Paper on clipboards just wasn’t cutting it. The right up-to-date information just wasn’t available to everyone that needed to know. This could cause delays and waiting in line. In this fast-paced environment, they just weren’t able to provide the level of customer service they wanted.

The State Fair looked to LuminFire for a solution to their problem. We built a custom iPad solution that could be implemented immediately and could be easily be updated and maintained over time with FileMaker Go and FileMaker Server. With our expert developers, the investment in this solution was only a handful of hours.

The primary screen shows a list of the vehicles with buttons to filter by type. Status for each vehicle visually shows as available (green) or checked out (red). Check in and check out information is recorded, so you can see a history of the usage of each van or golf cart. Handicapped accessible vehicles are also easy to find. This level of reporting helped manage the fleet.

LuminFire delivered exactly the right-fit solution – a solution that saves time and aids in communication so staff can know exactly which vehicles are available. It’s a simple solution that provides a lot of value for a one-time investment, eliminating paper and aiding in productivity and effectiveness.

If you’re looking for exactly the right software solution to meet your needs on an iPad, iPhone or Android device, contact LuminFire to start the conversation.

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Tim Cimbura – CEO, CFO and Software Engineer

Tim is an expert in creating custom business solutions that make businesses more effective, productive, and profitable. He specializes in rapid application development with the Claris platform including FileMaker and WordPress. He also knows Apple macOS technology inside and out.