BrilliantHub Starter is an unlocked and editable foundational business management solution used to build custom business applications using Claris FileMaker. At the core of BrilliantHub Starter is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system with support for contacts, invoices, products, and time tracking.

BrilliantHub Starter has been developed using best practices by developers with decades of experience building FileMaker solutions. Taking advantage of many of the smart features available in the latest versions of FileMaker, the solution is powerful and easy to modify. Every development choice was made to meet the goals of providing the best starter solution available today. For example:

  • Plainly named tables, fields and scripts.
  • Relationship graph built using the best practice anchor-buoy method.
  • Card windows are used for the contact selector.
  • Script parameter passing utilizes native JSON functions.
  • Well-organized themes and styles via BrilliantTheme
  • Set up for BrilliantFlows and BrilliantConnect, making integrations easier.

BrilliantHub Starter’s UI design is elegant, modern, and easy to use. Buttons are easily discoverable in blue for navigation and grey for everything else.

You can use BrilliantHub Starter as-is and customize it yourself, or you can work with us to customize it for you. If you want to add complex functionality or integrations, you can upgrade to BrilliantHub Pro in the future, while still retaining all your data.

BrilliantHub Pro, our ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution, is designed for more complex technology needs. With more than 10,000 hours (~$2 million) invested in its development, BrilliantHub Pro is a great solution for businesses and organizations of all sizes.

BrilliantHub Starter was extracted from BrilliantHub Pro, so if you decide you do want to upgrade to Pro in the future, fields and tables are named similarly in both versions, ensuring you a smooth upgrade process.

Key modules and features of BrilliantHub Starter include:

  • Dashboard
  • Contacts
  • Invoices
  • Products
  • Calendar
  • Time Tracking
  • Preferences

The data model is designed for flexibility:

  • Organizations (Accounts), Employees, Clients, People and other common tables are combined into a single Contacts table so that components can be reused and applied consistently throughout the solution.
    • If you add a module for sending messages via Slack, any Contact in the database can utilize it without building an integration for each separate entity.
  • Estimates are handled via an invoice in Quote status rather than requiring 2 additional tables and many additional layouts.
  • Allows full access to core FileMaker features and toolbars.
  • Designed for integration using BrilliantConnect or BrilliantFlows which enable connections to web services using straight-forward FileMaker script steps.

We have several types of industries actively using BrilliantHub, and have customized BrilliantHub Starter or Pro for each of them. Industries include:

Having already customized BrilliantHub for a variety of industries means we have a strong head start in understanding the types of customizations and features needed for a hard-working, money-saving business solution.

BrilliantHub Starter is a great foundation. It’s simple, clean, organized, and understandable. Unlike other starter solutions, it has a clear and efficient upgrade path to BrilliantHub Pro should your business grow to require a more robust or enterprise-level solution.

BrilliantHub Starter is currently only available for use in client projects.

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    We build custom technology solutions, so understanding your financial capacity allows us to recommend and build a right-fit solution that meets both your financial and business goals.
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